Admission Test

1. The word "boat" can be spelled using four of the letters from the word "automobile".
True | False

2. If you write the numbers 1 through 25 in a row, any two numbers that are next to each other add up to a number that is odd.
True | False

3. 13 minutes past 5 O' clock, it is 47 minutes before 6 O'clock.
True | False

4. The word "perfume" is spelled by using the first letters in the following sentence: "Pigs eat really filthy uncooked meat eagerly."
True | False

5. If you turn a left handed glove inside out it will fit on a right hand.
True | False

6. John has 15 dollars, but John can buy a $30 bicycle if he borrows six dollars from Fred and eight dollars from Joe.
True | False

7. An upside down clock's minute hand points to the right when it is twelve forty five.
True | False

8. The following sentence makes sense if the word "Rootch" is understood to mean the same as the word "jump": While waiting to rootch, I watched the faces of the other rootchers in the airplane.
True | False

9. If John looks into a mirror and touches his left ear, the image of John touches its right ear.
True | False

10. If you leave the letters in the same order, but rearrange the spaces in the phrase "The red olive", it can be read as "There do live.".
True | False

15. Using exactly three colors of paint it is possible to color the sides of a cube in such a way that two sides having the same color never touch.
True | False

12. Jim weighs 150 pounds. Jack is 130 pounds. Joe is 200 pounds. Two of them standing together on the same scale could weigh 350 pounds.
True | False

13. The second vowel that appears in this sentence is the letter "e".
True | False

14. Seven chickens and two cats have a total of twenty one legs.
True | False

11. If you have three quarters and a dime and a nickel and spend thirty three cents then this leaves you with fifty two cents.
True | False

16. In the alphabet there are four letters between the letter "F" and the letter "K".
True | False

17. If the word FOX is written under the word CAT and the word MAP is written under FOX, then the word COP is formed diagonally.
True | False

34 1/2. One half of one and a half pounds is eighteen ounces.
True | False

19. Five gloves and three shoes normally hold thirty five fingers and toes.
True | False

1,000,000,000,000,004. If Joe and John want to go see a movie, and the tickets cost $7.50 each, and they have $400.00, how many boxes of "Cookie Dough Bites" can they buy?
True | False

21. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
True | False

38 23/40. What's my sister's name?
True | False

834,382,847,014,003. Your an idiot.
True | True

Once you've finished, send your answers to me here >>><<< and we'll review and get back to you.